Friday, June 09, 2006

Celebrate Peace Goes to Spain!!!

A beautiful altar in the Basillica Maria Del Pi. We had the opportunity to perform in this beautiful church dedicated to Mother Mary. The first construction was in 400 AD! Can you believe it? The walls of the church felt warm with a deep knowing of centuries of prayers, voices, and stories of humanity.

This is the beautiful stained glass window that I could see while singing during the concert.

The beautiful pipe organ in the Basillica Maria del Pi.

Arrandeep Singh and Amandeep Kaur, the beautiful children of the folks who hosted us in Leicester, UK.

GuruGanesha and our host Harvinderpal working together as a team to iron a Kirta... a very touching moment on the tour.

GuruGanesha does his morning vocal excersizes... Amandeep Kaur watches. Yes...he does these vocal warm ups every day!!!! But hey... you gotta give it to him... even though it drives me a little bonkers his voice has been smooth as butter lately. GuruGanesha's got a beautiful new album out called Pure Ganesh... you can find it on

We had an amazing time in Europe! My heart is filled with gratitude to have a small glimpse into the countries we visited. We really sang to 800 people in the beautiful church as seen above. Their voices filled the large sanctuary space Unto Infinity. We are grateful to our hosts in Spain, Hargobind Singh and Hargobind Kaur. Waheguru!

One of the most touching experiences on this tour, which I don't have any pictures of was my time with a new friend whose names is Navleen Kaur. Her family hosted the Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan, in their home for many many years. She grew up learning and growing with his guidance. He taught her how to read one of the daily Sikh prayers called "Jaap Sahib", and she shared with us the way that he taught her. What she shared with me was a deep love of the words, and I really felt it and applied it to this Bani, Jaap Sahib. It was incredible. I am forever grateful to her. In fact I will be heading to Espanola New Mexico to play music at the upcoming Jaap Sahib course. Sopurkh and I will then be happy campers at the Summer Solstice Celebration, and then I will be teaching with my mother at the Women's Camp in Espanola. For information about these courses please see:

I look forward to learning more, and sharing with you. For the next month I'll be updating the blog about once per week. Thanx to all who have given your comments. I've really enjoyed reading them.

May Peace Prevail On Earth.

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