Monday, November 06, 2006
I'd have to say the theme of this last weekend was finding the love of God and Guru in everything we do. Anyway, here are some fun pictures from last weekend. A picture is worth a thousand words, right? I hope you enjoy.
GuruGanesha in one of the beautiful music moments, when the spirit flows and there's nothing else to do but follow it.
Here I am with Brenda MacIntyre and her daughter. Brenda is a Juno Award winning singer (Canadian Grammies), and First Nations Medicine Song Woman. She started off our Peace Concert at Toronto University. She sang with just one drum, but her presence and her voice filled the hall. She also spoke so beautifully about the earth, and about the Spirit. Her daughter sat on the side of the stage as she sang and I loved how close they seemed to be. It was really a blessing for us, as I felt that we were brought into a very sacred space before going on stage. During the concert we shared such a magical energy with everyone. I felt such a sense of prayer, courage and strength from the audience, and really felt that Peace is here, Peace is real. We shared one of our pieces called "To Heaven and Beyond" which is actually one of our albums. It is one musical piece (or peace!) that weaves in sacred chants from the Sikh, Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu and Budhist faiths. In the end we sing "God in every heart". To me the end always feels like trumpets announcing to the universe the reality!!! God is in every heart.
I want to give a big thank you to Guru Fateh Singh. He is actually in the picture too as seen above. He organized the whole concert and is a key organizer in the whole Peace Week. He's been working on Peace for many years and really brought together so many of the essential elements for a beautiful evening. It felt like one of those things that only happens after years and years of dedication. Thank you Guru Fateh Singh!!!! Here we are with one of the most beautiful families on the planet. They have been hosting the entire band this whole weekend, and they have been doing it with so much love. They came to every single event, helped us load and unload, the kids helped us sell cds, we had the best food you could ever imagine. I am so grateful. From left to right is Gurpreet Kaur (mataji), Gurusahiba Kaur and Gururattanpreet Kaur (the two sisters in blue), Gurumontek Singh (the boy standing next to me), GuruGanesha and Navrattan Singh. We are standing outside of the Dixie Road Gurdwara in Toronto. Apparantly this is the largest Gurdwara in North America. On Saturday night we played for the Guru and the Sangat, and also on Sunday we played for the birthday of Guru Nanak. I can't tell you how grateful I am for the experience. It was incredibly uplifting.
Here we are after our concert in London Ontario. As seen in the photo Seva Fisher (the lady in black third from the left) worked with a bunch of students from Coss (Canandian Organization of Sikh Students) to put the concert together. They did an amazing job, as well over 300 people showed up for our first visit to London.
Getting into the spirit of things we are all flashing a "W" sign. You might wonder what its for.... take your pick out of these three or maybe choose them all: 1. Wow!, 2. Waheguru, 3. University of Western Ontario where a number of the students go to school.
Someday soon I hope to get a recording on my blog of Ram Dass Singh. He actually has three (with probably more to come) characters that he can do. Just when things get a little tough in the van, he comes out with these incredibly funny voices and there's nothing we can do but just laugh. To give you a little preview he can do Kermit the Frog, a "Borat" like character (but nice) called Uri, and munchkin character called "Not Steve". So far my favorite voice is "Not Steve". We sometimes have very extended conversations about pretty much nothing. Its alot of fun. Aside from being so funny Ram Dass has been helping us so much with tons of heavy lifting for the set up and break down of our concerts. Not to mention the fact that he is incredibly talented. Yay Ram Dass.