Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Feeling Good Today Pizza Party!!!

Recently we went to LA to record for our new (as of yet to be named) album which is planned for release in May. This gave us the opportunity to meet the very talented and beautiful children who sang on our new CD for children called "Feeling Good Today"... to be released in just a few weeks!!! Krishan, our producer, recorded all of the children out of his studio while we were on tour. I actually didn't know most of the kids before the recording. We reached out to the Kundalini Yoga and Sikh community in LA, and were blessed to find these kids! When Krishan sent us the first mixes and I got to hear the children sing, I was really struck by the joy and purity in their voices which gives the album so much life and love!! So the pizza party was an opportunity to meet them in person, and in some small way say thank you to the kids and their parents. Not all of the kids could make it however. So, here are some of our stars.

From left to right, bottom row of kids: Siri Guru Dev, Antonia, Cynthia
From left to right, top row of adults: Simran and Guru Prem (Siri Guru Dev's parents), Anabela (Antonia's mom), Sarah (Cynthia's mom), yours truly, Krishan (our producer)

Our goofy shot... you gotta have at least one of those, right?

From left to right: Angelo, Leo, yours truly, and Antonia

Here are some more pictures of our time in LA.

While in LA, we got to stay a few doors down from Guru Ram Das Ashram, where I have for many years received musical and spiritual inspiration. This year was very beautiful. Not only did I feel the presence of God in this sacred place, but felt like I was bringing our baby in womb to be blessed. Here's a picture of Guru Ram Das ashram, one of my favorite views, that often comes to me in meditations. If you ever want to visit the address is 1644 Preuss Rd in West Los Angeles, and the phone is 310-858-7691... someone always answers.

Here's a picture of GuruGanesha recording his beautiful guitar. Yes, for all of those GuruGanesha fans out there... we are blessed to have the warmth and joy of his guitar and voice on the yet to be named album. We could call it "To be Named". How about that? And by the way, if you live on the East Coast of the US and Canada, he'll be on tour with an incredible band in just a few weeks. Check out www.spiritvoyage.com for more details!

Thomas, who is producing "To be Named", is seen here talking to GuruGanesha, as GuruGanesha is recording in the sound booth the next room over.

Here I am singing, with the soul of my baby in womb very present. Sometimes there would be little kicks and movements, and other times just a pure feeling of presence, confidence, purity and love. I am grateful to this beautiful soul who chose us at this time.

Dear Snatam,

This is Amanda Griffith in St. George, UT. I'm amazed that I found your blog and am able to post you a comment! I've met you at your concerts three times (twice in 2007 in Olympia and Sedona, once in 2008 in Sacramento).

You have been such a special part of my life with your beautiful music and the spirit that you radiate to others. The first concert I attended (Olympia), my mother, Connie Tobler was with me. Unfortunately, she passed away a few weeks ago. It has been a hard time since then for our family. When I was going through things on her dresser, I found the ticket stub from our Celebrate Peace concert with you. She only kept things that were really special to her. So thank you for making that special memory for my mother. I'm only sad that we weren't able to bring you to our area before she died. Hopefully we can at some future time, and I know she will be there with us in spirit.

I've listened to your Mother's Blessing CD on my morning walks since my mother passed away. It brings me peace.

Also..congratulations on your pregnancy! When are you due? At the concert in Sacramento (May 2008), I suspected that you might be. How wonderful!

Anyway, thank you for all you do. I hope to meet you here in St. George someday when the time is right.

With Love,
Amanda Griffith

In case you are wondering who I am, you can also view my blog at http://happyhealthyhomeschool.blogspot.com/ I think I've posted pics from your concerts somewhere in my archived writings! :-)
sat nam

may you please elaborate on the identity of "KAUR" ....what does it mean and why did Guru Gobind Singh ji bestowed it on women ?.....the qualities that represent a "KAUR" ......i am planning a drawing on it...so would be grateful if you can assist...

thank you for singing...
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